In my role as a STEM Ambassador, I had the privilege of visiting Sandbach on a beautifully sunny day yesterday. “STEM” is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths, subjects where we have skills shortages as a country. I spoke at Elworth Hall Primary School about my journey in STEM during the morning assembly. It was a great opportunity to speak to pupils about inspiring scientists and engineers, past and present. I also spoke about practical applications of science in my job as it helps us to understand why these subjects are important in our day-to-day lives.
This follows a recent trip to Daven Primary School in Congleton where I met the Maths Ambassadors from Years 4, 5 and 6. I really enjoyed meeting the children and sharing how much fun maths can be and how important it is for problem solving at work. They impressed me with their great questions and enthusiasm for maths!
Find out more about STEM Training for Teachers
Find out more about becoming a STEM Ambassador or inviting us to speak at your school.